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Full Body Workout 
The benefits of walking are well documented and accepted. A brisk Power Walk or Nordic Pole Walking intensifies the walk and increases the benefits gained. MY WALK super boosts a walk, turning it into a full body workout. Unlike any of the other walking workout My Walk will only count complete, full and proper arm swings motivating you to use an effective walking form so you benefit quickly. More calories burned due to more muscles engaged and increased expenditure on activity. This anaerobic will elevate your metabolic rate keeping the burn going long after the exercise is complete.


• You incorporate up to 90% use of body muscles as opposed to only 40% while walking normally

• You increase your cardiovascular workout

• Vastly Increase a higher calorie expenditure

• Improved posture

• Upper body activity improves upper body mobility and reduces upper back, neck and shoulder pains

• Healthier heart

• Greater cardiorespiratory endurance

• Increased fitness levels

• Better dynamic balance

• Faster recovery time

• Trim and toned body



MY WALK opens up the world of exercise to everyone regardless of body type, fitness level, and ability


Walk On




MY WALK comes in pairs. Each box contains 2 x MY WALK devices,

2 x wrist straps, 1 x user’s manual and 4 x AAA batteries

so you are ready to go immediately. A Battery insulator tab is installed

to protect the batteries and circuitry during shipping.

Simply pull and remove the tab to activate the first time you use the devices.





Flick the switch to “ON”, select duration and exercise intensity you want

and you are ready to go. There are 3 levels of exercise intensity,

Moderate (Low Arm Swing), Brisk (Medium Arm Swing) and Intense

(High Arm Swing).




No Apps, No Downloads, No Password or Username. No Membership

or Monthly Fees. Just a Stress-Free, Fun way to Exercise, Slim,

Trim and Tone. Batteries Included

 Users manual


·       Während des Trainings werden bis zu 90 % der Körpermuskeln genutzt, im Vergleich zu nur 40 % während eines normalen Ganges

·       Herz-Kreislauf-Training wird verbessert

·       Erheblich höherer Kalorienverbrauch

·       Verbesserte Haltung

·       Oberkörpertraining verbessert die Mobilität des Oberkörpers und verringert somit Rücken-, Nacken- und Schulterschmerzen

·       Gesünderes Herz

·       Bessere Ausdauer

·       Höheres Fitnesslevel

·       Verbesserung der Balance

·       Schnellere Regenerationszeit

·       Durchtrainierter Körper

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